
Improve River LIFE - Improving degree of conservation of Natura 2000 target species and habitat types through improvement of river connectivity

PROJECT                       ACTIVITY                   RESULTS                   croatia.png


Free Korana River

Free Korana River Project: Mapping river barriers to preserve biodiversity

The NGOs Zelena akcija and Eko Pan, in cooperation with the company BIOTA d.o.o., implemented the Free Korana River Project from February 2024 to January 2025. The project objective was to identify artificial barriers in the Korana River and define those with the strongest negative impact on biodiversity, with a focus on the possibilities for their removal or adjustment... MORE

Signalni rak

Catching the signal crayfish in the Jadro River: Protecting the softmouth trout and preserving biodiversity

The project partner Public Institution “Sea and Karst” systematically implements monitoring and catch of the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in the Jadro River, thus actively contributing to the preservation of its sensitive ecosystem. Particular attention is paid to protecting the endemic softmouth trout (Salmo obtusirostris salonitana), one of the most important species of the Jadro River...MORE

fokus grupe

Focus groups held with stakeholders on the Vrljika and Jadro rivers

As part of the project Improve River LIFE - Improving degree of conservation of Natura 2000 target species and habitat types through improvement of river connectivity, two focus groups (group interviews) were held on November 12, 2024, with stakeholders from the public, private, and civil sectors related to the Vrljika and Jadro rivers...MORE

Life konferencija

Conference “LIFE Programme – Catalyst for Green Transition in Croatia”

A LIFE Programme conference took place on 17 September 2024 at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb. Around a hundred participants from various sectors joined in to learn about achievements so far and potentials of the LIFE Programme in financing green transition in Croatia... MORE


National seminar on removal of barriers in Croatia

National seminar on removal of barriers in Croatia

The first national seminar on the removal of barriers in Croatia was held on 23 May 2024 in the Plitvice Lakes National Park. The seminar has brought together all the relevant stakeholders from the public, private and NGO sectors with the aim of forming a network of organisations, institutions and experts dealing with the issue of removing artificial barriers in watercourses... MORE

Nature Conservation Day and International Day for Biological Diversity

Nature Conservation Day and International Day for Biological Diversity

The Nature Conservation Day and the International Day for Biological Diversity were marked on 22 May 2024 in Maksimir Park in Zagreb, Croatia. The event designed for the general public was organized by the Public Institution “Priroda Grada Zagreba”... MORE

Monitoring riba

Implementation of Project Activities: Monitoring of Invasive and Alien Fish Species on the Vrljika and Jadro Rivers

As part of the "Improve River LIFE" project, we conducted monitoring of invasive fish species on the Vrljika and Jadro rivers. Despite challenging weather conditions, our expert team successfully tackled field tasks, allowing us to gain a detailed understanding of the presence and distribution of invasive species in these watercourses...MORE


Svjetski dan voda


World Water Day

World Water Day, held on 22 March every year since 1993 to bring the attention of people around the world to the importance of conserving freshwater supplies. The goal of World Water Day is to warn and raise awareness of the 2.2 billion...MORE

Life Info Dani

Presentation of improve river life project at the sap project users' networking meeting

On February 29th, 2024, we had the extraordinary opportunity to present our project at the networking meeting of SAP project users titled ''Results and Impacts of LIFE Projects in Croatia''. This event allowed us to share our experiences and goals with other users of the LIFE program, as well as to become acquainted with... MORE


Project area field trip

The first joint field trip with all project partners was held on 6 and 7 February 2024 on the rivers Jadro and Vrljika. 18 experts, representatives of partners from Croatian Wters (state legal entity for water management), the Public Institution Sea and Karst, the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb, and the Institute for Nature and Environment and Protection of the Ministry of the Economy and Sustainable Development attended the field trip, as well as the meeting held after the trip... MORE

IMG_20240202_112009.jpg The Improve River LIFE kick-off conference

The Improve River LIFE project initial conference was held on 2 February 2024, at the "Hidden Dalmatia" Visitor Center in Dugopolje. The project activities and expected results were presented in front of forty participants. The conference participants, under the expert guidance of the project partners, also visited locations on the Jadro River where the activities of water barriers removal will be carried out... MORE


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Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition
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10 000 Zagreb
+385 (1) 4886 840


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